Acne treatment » Anti - Acne Program


Anti-acne program   

Active longstanding acne may lead to psychological impact and permanent scarring. Many laser and light based devices have been reported to have significant degrees for acne improvement. The goal of our treatment is to prevent the physical and mental long-lasting sequelae.






    1. Peeling step

This step is to provide deep cleansing, exfoliating and oxygenating the skin. It is very useful for loosening comedones and blackhead. Then comedone extraction will be done to remove the plugging.


   2. Laser therapy
For this program, our doctor will select the proper laser treatment depending on the severity and types of the acne, also other related skin conditions, such as dark or red spots.


   3. Light therapy 30 mins  


Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of our acne laser and light therapy program?

• Enhances immune response and reduce acne inflammation
• Kills P.acne bacteria
• Improves skin tone
• Accelerates healing, collagen production and prevents scar formation
• Increases facial blood and lymphatic circulation
• Decreases red spots and dark spots from acne

How many treatments will I need?

Most people will need 4-5 treatment sessions at 2-3 week intervals but it depends on individual needs, type and severity of the acne as well as response to treatment. Once the spots have been cured the goals of laser treatments will become mark reduction and scar prevention.

Are there any side effects or risks?

For comedone extraction, temporary redness and tiny scabs may arise. It will take a few days to fade by itself. If patients have dark skin, hyperpigmentation can occur in a few weeks
For laser and light therapy, patients must wear special eyewear during treatment to protect their eyes.

How can I make an appointment?

Please contact us +66 618240996  Line ID : laserpremium  for booking or sending us an email
We will contact you as soon as possible.

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